Disaster Response 

Disasters strike all over the world,  almost it appears, seemingly every day.   Sometimes, significant disasters occur in different areas all at once and it is at times like this, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) is able to offer support to local Lions Clubs for their disaster relief work.

 If a disaster strikes, Lions Clubs International launches an appeal for support for the people affected and our own club, like many thousands worldwide, respond to that appeal with immediate donations of whatever they believe they can afford.   Many, like our club, will have a ‘Fast Track’ process which allows the response to such appeals without waiting 1 month for their next formal business meeting.

Our Latest Response 

A good illustration of how Lions International responds to disasters (Natural or Man Made) is the current conflict in the Ukraine.    The sudden incursion of Russian troops and their method of warfare has seen a massive exodus of civilians from the country. Seeking refuge in bordering countries including Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia and the Czech Republic has created a major humanitarian crisis with Governments and Non Government Organisations of which Lions clubs are one, having to cope with the result.

As with natural disasters, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) began working directly with the Lions Clubs in the areas involved by providing a Disaster Grant to enable the local clubs to give immediate relief to the refugees who, in many cases have lost everything but the clothes they are standing in.    

In the case of the this conflict, despite the horrific photos that are appearing on TV and the Press, there are still a number of Lions Clubs functioning within the country and they too, have been provided with a disaster grant.

In total, over $150,000 has been sent to the clubs concerned and this enables them to commence purchasing the required aid for the refugees within their specific area.

In the days immediately following the award of a grant,  Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) advise clubs worldwide of the action they have taken and clubs such as ours, make a decision on whether they wish to support the appeal by supplying a donation to boost the emergency fund and help plug the gap created.    These donations can be designated to a particular appeal or be put into the general fund.   In our case, we have always favoured designated awards as we know exactly what our donation increase the availability of funds over the longer term.   

What is happening in Eastern Europe
Lithuanian & Polish Lions at the warehouse Getting down to work  The Result 
Packing up the vehicles    Heading off to the Ukraine 
  Ukrainian Children commencing Pre School in
the safety of Poland

How does our response differ from others?

With a global club structure, we are perhaps, unusual amongst organisations which can assist in responding to emergencies as we will often have members actually 'on the ground' living in the very area/country most affected by natural disasters and consequently our response to emergencies is more aimed at the long term recovery rather than immediate relief.

The immediate concern is not ignored, however, but we realise that the immediate outpouring of concern and funds will be channelled through charities and non-government bodies who will mobilise resources to deal with the aftermath.   These organisations are frequently better equipped to deal with the immediate effects of say, a Tsunami, earthquake or major natural disaster and they can bring together the funds, life saving equipment and emergency manpower response necessary in the early days of such events, but how effective are they in the longer term?

This Lions response, however,  may be quite different but no less important.

Funds are raised from two main sources. 

LCIF, our charitable foundation will create a designated emergency fund to provide financial support for each specific event.  This will provide initial funding during the early phase of disaster relief.

Local Lions clubs throughout the world will then add their own donations to that specific fund, often over a number of years which helps ensure that those affected by the disaster have ongoing support to help rebuild communities and assist the recovery process long after the major emergency support has left the area.

Unlike many disaster response organisations, there are no administration costs associated with donations via Lions and with our funds being totally administered by the Local Lions club under the guidance of LCIF, the long term recovery is often better handled as it is the people directly involved who are organising the rebuilding of communities.

By channelling funds via the Local Lions club, much of the longer term recovery is being done within the very area of the disaster helping to bring work, financial stability and purpose to people whose lives have been shattered by events well outside of their control.

With major disasters occurring with increasing regularity, this is one other aspect of being a Lion.   You never know where a disaster could appear and recent events have shown that it is not confined to 'foreign lands'

Lions have responded to many disasters in recent years, Haiti Earthquake, Pakistan Flood relief, Cumbria Floods and recently the Corvid-19 Pandemic to name only a few and as you can see, some are closer to home than you may have thought.


Some recent examples of LCIF disaster relief 
US Typhoons  Phillipines - Typhoon Tembin Haiti Tornado 

Ask Yourself?

Would you be able to help?

Why not think about becoming involved in the objectives of Lions - Give a donation via our Donate Button on the main page or by dropping some coins into one of our yellow Collecting Cans.   You could join our "Friends of Lions Group" and give us with some time when we are fundraising or supporting others in our area or if you REALLY, REALLY want to help, consider joining the Lions Club as a full member - the existing club is ageing fast and we need new blood if we are to continue to exist.   For further details, drop us a note via our Contact Us page and one of our members will give you a call to answer any questions you may have.